Monday, January 28, 2008

Indigo Girls... Bummer...

Got all "dolled" up last night, ready go to the Indigo Girls Concert that I have had tickets to since the beginning of August 2007. I was going with my friend and nextdoor neighbor, Susan, and another friend from work, Emily. We left early and went to Surin West (one of my favorite places to eat). I tried something new, the service was great and we enjoyed some good conversation. We got ready to walk out the door and the waiter asked us if the concert we were going to happened to be the Indigo Girls. And then he said that he heard a rumor that they had cancelled!!! What?!??!! So, we ventured on to the Alys Stephens Center and guess what?? It was cancelled due to "illness". Very disappointing... so, we get this little flyer that says they are rescheduling... Good news, right??? NO!!! NOT FOR ME!! They are rescheduling for while I will be going on my cruise!! Susan and Emily said but just think, you will be on a great vacation, and it wont matter... my response... But I could have done both!! Boo Hoo!!! I'm so sad!! Anyway to make matters worse for the evening, we went to O'Henry's for dessert and coffee (that's not bad), but I ordered a medium cafe latte and went to bed just fine! But I guess all of the caffeine kicked in around midnight and I was up for the next three hours!! So, now I am having a Red Bull just to stay up to prepare dinner!

Can you hear the violins playing in the background of my life???


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the concert! At least you had a night out! The cruise sounds like so much fun! I'm VERY jealous!


erin nolen said...

I really am so sad about the concert. I have been vicariously looking forward to it for you ever since I heard you were going. That really stinks!

erin nolen said...
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erin nolen said...

I really am so sad about the concert. I have been vicariously looking forward to it for you ever since I heard you were going. That really stinks!

erin nolen said...

i'm sure you are watching your counter go up on your blog. i keep checking it because i am dying to see some of your cruise pictures! i know, i know we need to post our own but STILL. i want to see some of yours. i know you got some good ones.



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