Sunday, October 21, 2007

Six Year Anniversary/ Fall Festival

Last weekend was our anniversary! Six years!!! Erin talked about on her blog on her 4th anniversary... Is that a long time or not??? I feel the same way! It feels like a really long time at certain times and not so long at others. I was talking to someone at work the other day and they asked me how long we had been married and when I told her six years, she said "Wow! Good for you!" so I guess at least to her, that is a long time and somewhat admirable??!! Anyway, I have felt lately a little disconnected in our marriage... not because of any problems that we are having.... but because we never see each other. Jody works full time and is taking 19 hours in school... I have started a new job working longer hours myself. So needless to say by the time Jody gets home, I am either already asleep in bed or well on my way. We talk briefly and then I go to bed and he stays up to study some more. On weekends we rarely get to see each other either. He uses ever minute he has devoted to studying, and doing little projects around the house that he feels need to be accomplished. I have been going to all the Alabama home games on Saturdays... and kinda staying away and keeping Alex occupied while he gets done what he needs to. (I should note that all of this studying time is really paying off because he is maintaining an A average!!!)

All of that to say... With such little time spent with each other, I felt like we really needed to spend our anniversary together. But guess what??? The Fall Festival fell on our anniversary. So, we decided we would just do that for our anniversary. It would give us some time together, and some time spent with Alex. (Jordan had to work all day and then had some friends he wanted to hang out with that evening, since he is working all weekend and has football every afternoon during the week, he does not have the social life that he use to) So the day started out with a Fun Run (1 mile). We started sorta towards the back of the crowd, not real sure what to expect of the Run. Jody, Alex and I ran that together... well sorta... I am very out of shape and so Jody and Alex ran together and I sorta jogged behind. I was really impressed with Alex's performance, because we had also walked/ran to the school from our house before the Fun Run. They made it to the finished line a ways before me. We sat around talking for a little while and we told Alex that she did such a great job that we would make sure that we got to the front of the group next year. Then they started announcing awards! And Alex won 1st place for the preschool girls!! yeah!!! I hope to get a picture of that later. I did not take a camera cause I did not know what to expect. But the school took pictures and I hope I can get one... she was SO proud!

That evening we went back to the school for the festival. Which was Way more than I expected! ... carnival rides, a DJ, and more inflatible fun than you can imagine. We went inside to do some of the "walks" ... cake, donut, ice cream, cookie, dvd/video... Alex was determined to win them all and by the end of the night, she had all but the cookies, but we came home with two cakes so I think that makes up for not winning the cookie one. All of this brings me back to the anniversary. I had "eyed" this cute elephant cake when we first went in to the festival. I just casually made the comment... I hope we can win that one. Jody had to leave about halfway through the evening to get back to studying... When I came home I found my 6 year anniversary cake!!


Corey Nolen said...

wow good for jody. i probably wouldn't have picked up on the comment. congrats on 6 years, that is admirable... not surprising. i can't believe it's been that long either. that means my dire straits song is 6 years old too! i know jody listened to that all day on your anniversary. i feel like it's been a really long time since we've seen you guys, or at least hung out. maybe we can do that soon. i know things are just crazy all around right now. good to see a meaty post!

erin nolen said...

i loved reading this post, casey! you need to keep on posting for your sister-in-law blog stalker.

i think your next posting should be a youtube video of the skeleton/hiccups book. not that i know how to do that but i think you should. first i would like to see the reading in real life, though.


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