Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some More Colorful Cozumel Favorites!

As I think I had stated in an earlier post here Corey was giving me some quick little photography lessons during our excursion, so all of the following were pictures taken manually. Some better than others... but, remember this was my first day working with the camera this way... I will have some more recent pictures to post later from Alex and I's trip to the zoo this week for Spring Break.
Here is one of the many outdoor bars that you find in Mexico! I took the picture just because I thought it looked cool!

This was the outside of a resteraunt (or bar) we just stopped to see what was on the menu. I like the picture because this is how just about all of the area that we went to was... random paintings on the walls, all the buildings are different colors. Yes it was a beautiful day... but that was just enhanced by all of the cheerfulness of colors on the city buildings. Really makes Birmingham drab.
As most of you know... Jody loves to ride bikes!! Although he does not get to do that much of it lately because of school. He likes art that has Bicycles in them. We have this piece of art in our bedroom, that is pretty cool, but it has this naked lady on it, so I really do not want it out in our living room. But, after I took this picture, I really liked it so I think I may get it and the following ones of bicycles printed to display somewhere in our living/dining room area.

Okay! I know that it is trash! but it looked like art! (I think Erin took a picture of it also!) It was just interestingly sitting next to the sidewalk as we were heading back to the ship.
This is such a common site along the buildings and sidewalks... What I noticed in Cozumel. The three most popular forms of transportation were/are:
1. Bicycles
2. Mopeds/Motorcycles (which BTW do not follow any traffic laws... I know we saw at least one "almost" wreck... Oh, and interestingly these people can fit whole families on their motorcycle/moped... I think we saw up to four on one!!
3. Volkswagon Beetles (ca. 1967-1980) This was humourous to us while we were there because there were so many of them... but, I just did a little research and apparently Mexico had a big manufacturing plant of the beetle for many years.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE! I know Jody was really feeling bad at this point in our excursion and and we had to pay $5 to take a picture with our own camera of this iguana! I know it sounds silly... but like I told Jody at the time... they have to make their living somehow... Some of the areas we were in were very, very poor! Anyway, I think the picture is great and it was worth the $5 to me!
This was just sitting outside of one of the market stores, to show what sodas they sold! NOTE: the Coke Light (Not Diet Coke!) Apparently, according to Jody, The US is the only country that calls it Diet... everyone else calls it Light!
Just thought this was interesting! We didn't see people doing this all over the place, just this one lady but I thought it was neat! It reminds me of the girl in the "Jungle Book"
STREET PERFORMERS!! The one above was a clown, entertaining people at The Hard Rock Cafe!
The above "performer" was dressed as a sculpture! He would sit still for a long while and then move and scare people.


Anonymous said...

cool pics, Casey! I especially like the one of Jody with the iguana!

hope you guys are doing well. Give Alex a hug from us!


Beth said...


i LOVE your picture of the bicycle leaning up against the fence.. VERY artistic of you! i think it's a cool idea to make these bike pictures into art for your home.
i'm in love with your cozumel pictures.. they're so colorful! i can't wait to steal some for my scrapbook. ;)

Beth said...

also, i think the babooons have been there for about 15 years ;)


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